About Germantown
In 2008, Germantown, Maryland was voted number eighty one out of the possible one hundred Best Places To Live by CNN for its favorable economic conditions. It is located between Highways 117, 118 and 355. Germantown gets its name from business interactions in the early 1800s. While population stated that most farmers and business owners were of English descent, travelers remembered German accents. Hence, the city became Germantown. Even today, there is very clearly a Germanic presence which would account for the many English Conversation Club meetings held at Germantown Library. Germantown is an excellent place to live and to raise a family as it has a very low crime rate. It also has several elementary schools, four middle school, two high schools and sixty-two colleges, junior colleges and universities and forty one libraries. There is also a public busing system. There is plenty to do while visiting. This boisterous city has hotels, one of which will allow canine and feline visitors, the BlackRock Center For The Arts, twenty nine movie theaters, 2,174 restaurants to please the most persnickety palate, seventy four night clubs, two hundred twenty five public golf courses, thirty museums and seven ski resorts. And this is all within a fifteen mile perimeter, to exclude museums, which are within a thirty mile perimeter.